
Showing posts from January, 2021

Is a Misinformed Democracy Dangerous? 2020 Seems to Think So

Neil deGrasse Tyson made some startling and important points in the video Science in America . He spoke on the dangers of widespread denial in scientific reality, especially when this denial is started and spread by people in power. Specifically, he said, “when science deniers rise to power it is a recipe for the end of an informed democracy.” This statement is important because voters and everyday citizens turn to people in power for answers and information, and even if this information is false or misleading, many voters will take it as fact, consequently leading to a terribly misinformed democracy. This is further troubling because if the people in power do not believe in science, then the science related problems which need to be discussed will be pushed aside by these powerful deniers. This will keep possible solutions from being listed on voter ballots, which will continue to keep the citizens of this democracy misinformed and will delay the progress necessary to fix these envir